Many already know this fact - I HATE MY NEIGHBORS!
These twits live above me and have no respect for anyone living around them. I regularly shake my fist in their general direction (sometimes pounding on the ceiling with it) because of the amount of noise they produce. I'm a reasonable person - I understand that apartment or condo life is going to come with noise from the neighbors. They have young children that stay home with someone during the day instead of going to day care. Kids make noise...ok... However, I refuse to accept what sounds like the moving of furniture at all hours of the day and night as reasonable. The jumping off of the furniture, bouncing of basketballs (?), and such have continually created enough vibration to knock things off of my bookcase and ledges on the wall. Grrr!
Their balcony is right outside my bedroom window as well. Always fun when they like to move the furniture around while they smoke. Even better when they sit out there and talk on the phone in the middle of the night.
Today has pissed me off even more. One of their cars is parked in the parking lot (which my bedroom overlooks) and has a car alarm that keeps going off every 5 minutes. I hate car alarms! No one pays attention to them and they simply annoy the crap out of people who have to be near them.
I don't know what jackass nation they came from (someone in the family is a diplomat according to the license plate of their other car) but they need to go back there...NOW! I'll even help them pack...
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