Monday, April 11, 2005

New Home

The design work isn't quite done yet but I'm going to start posting on the new home full time now. Sadie will have the design done some time soon but I'm too impatient to wait for an official unveiling.

So, from now on please visit the following page instead:

(oh, and the few of you who have actually linked me, update me please...)

I've Been Out

It's been a busy weekend and I've had many an adventure...but my weekend has not yet come to a close so loyal must wait another day to read about my good times. My deepest apologies.

Friday, April 08, 2005


I'm all for it...
I recognize that our country requires immigration in order to function at its best. We get a lot of smart people from other countries that contribute to research in our universities and labs. We gain a lot of labor in service industries. Truth be told, we don't have the population growth to reasonably support ourselves in the future (that and too many of the kids being born today will never make anything meaningful of themselves but that is a post for another day).
Immigration is what America was founded on - we are all descendant from an immigrant somewhere in our past.


I'm on this rant because congress blows on this issue. Check out how amnesty is on its way to being granted to illegal aliens - Center for Security Policy

Giving amnesty to illegal aliens is absolutely ridiculous. It does nothing to reduce illegal immigration in the future. It does not allow us to 'know who is here.' It rewards illegal behavior and promises to do nothing more than drain away more of the precious resources we don't have enough of already. They are already spending your tax dollars in schools and hospitals because no one can be denied these services in America. Now you want to let them spend your tax dollars through assistance programs to lift them from the poverty many live in? Don't be fooled for a second to believe that they will contribute to the tax base - that is not going to happen unless their wages and/or job market are significantly expanded.

Immigrants are wonderful - when they are law abiding citizens like the rest of us. The rest of you, go suck the life out of some other country.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

At My Wit's End

This, my friends, is a seriously bitter rant. I don't even know what to do with these people anymore! The administrators of my program are certifiably the stupidest people on the planet.

I registered for fall classes this morning. Last night, it dawned on me that this was my task for the morning. So ... like a good student... I went on the school's website to make sure I had no conflicts and had chosen the right classes. I look and they have changed the times on some of the classes...those Bastards...way to But that's not the worst part - the new 'band' that they have classes scheduled in is from 9:35 to 10:50. Why am I pissed about this, you ask? Lets break it down like the military - 21:34 to 22:50. Yes, that's right...these little dipshits think I should be in class at nearly 11pm? Have you completely lost your mind?

Oh, but the story gets better....I stayed up until 4:30 in the morning reworking it all only to find out this morning that the university wide computer system we use to actually register - that I was locked out of last night (since it was after 8pm) - doesn't reflect these new times. That's right IT DOES NOT HAVE THE NEW TIMES! So I had to redo things AGAIN to fit with the old way. What the ever lovin crap is going on here?

People need to get their stories straight and their info correlated before I go off and do something get a lawyer...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Odd Connection & Upset

Despite never having met her or really commented much on Smash's blog, I've been following the progress of Mrs. Smash since she was thrown from the horse. Well, it has led to me doing a lot of thinking (I know, this can't be good...).

First of all, why is this affecting me so much? Probably because of the fact that they are from San Diego. I feel an immediate connection to anyone in San Diego. No matter how long I live on the East Coast I am desperately homesick for my beloved Pacific. Somedays I'm better at ignoring it than others. Most of the time I don't even realize that is what has tarnished the cheer in my day.

The second reason its affecting me so much is because I'm feeling a little stupid and foolish. You see, a while back I had a series of falls that ultimately left me with some serious back pain. One down a flight of stairs at a boyfriend's house (he's long gone from my life, btw). One down a flight of stairs at my parents house (which neither of them own anymore). And the final and most brutal, running start to a slip off the entryway tile onto my ass on the kitchen tile with my back hitting the single step between them. After the final fall I had the wind knocked out of me, lay on the floor gasping for air, and could do nothing but eek the word "mommy" as pain took over my entire upper body. I laid there silent, just happy I was able to breathe, with tears streaming from my eyes as I was unable to actually cry with such trauma just inflicted.

Normal people would have sought medical attention for such an incident. But not me. Coming from a medical family, I trusted their words. They chalked the emotional response up to the scare factor of it all. No X-rays, no MRI, not even a doctor's consult. I went back to college a few days later and my mom never said another word about it. For the next several months I was unable to rotate my upper body without experiencing intense pain. It often felt like I had an arrow piercing my body since the same place on my back and in my ribs would hurt if I moved just right. Eventually it healed on its own but I swear by all things holy, I am shorter because of it.

At the persistent urging of someone else, and for another injury, I went to see a chiropractor a few months ago. His initial exam revealed a compression fracture, albeit a healed one, that was jacking things up in general. I saw him a few times but he's in another city so I don't see him on a regular basis.
I've been too stubborn to find a chiropractor where I live and since its already healed I don't see much urgency. I just feel foolish for never having had the injury treated in the first place. I have the highest hopes for Mrs. Smash's recovery and wish I could do more to help her.

National Tartan Day

I had never heard of this until yesterday. Does that make me a bad Scot or what? my contribution to the day, here are some pictures about the clan my family is to believe to descend from:

Our Badge & Motto: To conquer or die; yeah...that sounds about right for the stubborn little buggers in my family. We never give up on anything...

The Spiral


I've now gone from crabby to bitch.

There's nothing else to say. Fix it or shut the hell up.


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I'm Crabby

The past couple of days I have been unbelievably tired and every few hours my stomach has violently threatened to mutiny as it practically screams, "Hello, woman! Its called food! Ever thought of sending any down?" I have lost all ability to focus and/or concentrate. My patience was out the window days ago. Yet, I don't understand why.

I've been sleeping. I've been eating.

I've gone past the semi-harmless grumpy to the much more malicious crabby. *scowl*

Sad News

I have tears in my eyes this morning as I write my first post...

The Indepundit, Citizen Smash, has experienced a personal trauma that no one could see coming. His wife was thrown from a horse yesterday and is hospitalized with a vertebral compression fracture and a small fracture in her pelvis. They say she will be ok, she's just in a lot of pain.
Having had a vertebral compression fracture I can speak from experience when I say they aren't fun. Go send them some love.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Keys In Hand!

I have access to the new blog (WOOHOO) but in preparation for my move posting here will probably be a little slow. Coming up with a new site design is kinda kicking my behind and my coding skills are rustier than ... well, we won't talk about that right now... (Helpful volunteers welcome)

Back to my multi-tasking
UPDATE: Who knew something so exciting could make me feel so stupid... *grump*

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Life is messy, we're made that way...

"Boundaries don't keep people out, they just fence you in... So you can waste your life drawing lines, or you can live your life crossing them." -- Gray's Anatomy

Perhaps this quote is something I should take to heart...but I think this can be taken to the extreme. Some lines are just stupid to cross for the sake of saying you did.

My Evening

Well, I still haven't had a nap and being this late, I guess I'm just not getting one. But, the condo is much MUCH cleaner now. My roommate comes home tonight so hopefully he'll be in a good mood when he sees the place. But then again, he hates change...maybe he'll be even more grumpy... I can't win.
In getting all the cleaning done I have managed to completely procrastinate my research papers and I'm feeling a bit screwed on them about now. So, if anyone knows anything about the weaponization of space (as in outer space) or the activities of Boeing...please, let me know. Thanks, kids.
Back to the loose ends of cleaning/more tv/the munchies...


I sat down to try to write a highly intellectual and analytical post about Iraq but I have come to realize, I do not posses the current mental capacity of a potato at the moment. The post about Iraq will have to wait.

I didn't sleep well, woke up early, and have had a bit of a downer of a day. All good things must come to an end and my lovely weekend surprise was no exception. When good times end and the frown creeps in, I am always tired. Guess that is proof that it takes more energy to frown than to smile. Since then I've talked to my mom and I've gone to look at a condo for sale - say it with me children, RIP OFF. Then I came home and started looking for places for rent. No fun at all. Checking out fall courses is not looking much better.

I am just exhausted...sorry guys. I'll be back to entertain you soon, I promise.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

"Good Little Girls Make Some Mighty Wild Women"

Since now I'm sitting here thinking about the link between sex and music (thanks SWG), I'd like to thank country music for the following phrases:

"Save a horse, ride a cowboy"

"I want the real McCoy / I want a Cowboy"

"Heaven knows what I might do / If I had me a cowboy like you / Oh, Buckaroo"

"Forget the bull, ride the cowboy"

And people wonder why my favorite bar says Dancehall and Saloon on the sign. *G*

Roommate Crap

My roommate's family lives fairly close by - he grew up here, he went to college 4 hrs away and then returned. Sometime during the week after having had dinner with them one weekend he came to me and we had a conversation that went vaguely like the following:

Him: My uncle asked me a question at dinner that I didn't know the
answer to...

Me: Ok... What was it?

Him: He wanted to know what your plans for summer are...

Me: *quizzical look* That's an odd question for your uncle to be asking. I've never met the guy...

Him: No... he was just wondering if I would be getting a new roommate
or you know, whatever...

I proceeded to answer his question by saying that I didn't know what my plans were. That I had applications in for work but that I didn't plan to take classes.

In my mind the conversation was a poorly veiled attempt at just asking if I was moving out once the semester ended. To me, that also means he's trying to say, "Hey, I don't like living with you. I was here first, get out." Are you kidding me, buddy? Sure, you've lived here for a year but that doesn't make it your house. And you chose to let me live here over all the other people that applied for it. Deal.

A quick picture of this guy...
He's a computer programmer for the federal government. He likes things to be very orderly. He practically lives by routine. He has a circle of friends he does X with and a circle of friends he does Y with. His friends don't know about the girl he's been dating for over a year. He doesn't like for his roommate to know his friends. With his last roommate (according to his girlfriend) they each stayed in their rooms with the door closed and hardly ever talked to one another. The brand new TV and couch are in the exact same STUPID place they were when the last guy furnished the living room (the TV in front of the fireplace) and he is not open to moving it - he doesn't like change.

Apparently I'm in his space, messing up his routine, and he's too much of a puss to come and talk to me about anything he doesn't like that I am doing. So now I'm going to have to confront him on the

On another note - My roommate is not my landlord. I pay my rent to the owner that lives down the street. And even if I wanted to leave, I can't for 2 more months. I not only agreed to the standard 30 day notice but I agreed to give such notice on the first of the month preceding my move (should I choose to make one).

I Tell You...


And I'm not a fan of unreliable things.

Your Powers

for good or for awesome?

I just found this link from a man who apparently just tries food around the house and rates it for us all. His post was about breast milk and I fell over laughing when I read this portion of it:

I must admit that my aversion to drinking breast milk is something of a double-standard. Let me try to put this as delicately as I can out of respect to my female readers... but some women have been known to willingly "ingest" a certain dubious "body fluid" made by men, during moments of "intimacy." (These moments are known as "blow jobs." These women are known as "awesome.")

So you use your powers for good or for awesome? I'll never tell...

Friday, April 01, 2005


Holy Rowdy Gang Rape, Batman!
There is the hugest freakin bee I have ever seen in my life hanging out in my hallway. I'm not ordinarily scared of bees. If I don't give them a reason to sting me, they'll leave me alone. But this dude...I'm screaming bloody little girl murder if he comes anywhere near me. I'm fairly certain its one of these little suckers right here cuz he's HUGE!
Update: The giant annoying f*cktard of a bee is now trapped in my bathroom because he refused to take the escape route that I planned for him. So now I hope he fries his ass to death in the heat created by the wickedly hot lights.
Updated Update: I have defeated the bee...but he did not die in the sauna that is my tiny bathroom. I opened the door and found him, weak and slow, on the counter behind the sink. Taking a silk flower sprayed with VS perfume I nudged him and got him to climb on. I took a walk through the bedroom, down the hall, into my roommates bedroom, put the flower down on the deck, and slammed the sliding glass door. So there...he's gone and I didn't even kill him. But more importantly, I didn't have to touch him. F*cker.

A Swift Kick and A Bandaid

Its official! I've sent the necessary emails to the blogging gods and I should be on my way to a new home soon. I CAN'T WAIT! The decorating, the linkage... I think I need a towel now...

But that's not all the wonderful day has had to offer. I have defended my rightful place in the world and Eric has the post to prove it! Go see.
And just because I'm in that great of a's me and the girls looking particularly elfy at McP's in Coronado:

(Still) Blog Naming

So far I've gotten the most response for these two:
  • A Swift Kick (and A Bandaid)
  • Angry Educated Female

People seem to think they capture my real life personality of an outspoken, blunt, and opinionated nature.

I'm also toying with "Awesome Work" since that's pretty much what I say to all the idiots I encounter. Doesn't quite capture things right though, I suppose...Maybe "Awesome Thoughts"? "Awesome" is definitely one of the most overused words in my vocabulary though...

I have also gotten the promise of bonus points for this one:

  • Pith and Vinegar


Perhaps "Blunt But Honest"?